Click on the donate button to go to our CAF page. There are options to give one-off gifts, set up regular giving, and claim gift aid.

If you would like more information on the theology of financial giving, please see the article below.

“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.” (2 Corinthians 8:9)

THANK YOU for considering supporting Grace Church. As the verse above states, Christ rescued us through extreme self-sacrifice. It follows that sacrificial giving for gospel work is a mark of godliness and spiritual maturity. Every Christian should aim to be giving regularly for their church ministries at home and abroad. It will be costly, but so was the generosity we received from Christ, and it pleases our Heavenly Father to see us growing up to share in his Son’s work. Many at our church can testify to the joy that comes from giving generously and seeing the fruit in people’s lives.

2 Corinthians chapters 8 and 9 is a wonderful passage on the grace of giving. It is worth prayerfully studying these chapters when you are considering your giving. Here are some key principles from that passage on how we should give:

  • Sacrificially (8:1-2) accepting the personal cost

  • Generously (8:3-7) as  much as we are able for the salvation of others

  • Gratefully (8:8-9) for Christ became poor that we might be rich in Him

  • Realistically (8:10-12)  according to our capacity

  • Equally (8:13-15) giving of our plenty to help others in their need

  • Carefully (8:16-24) so that we are good stewards of God’s money

  • Actually (9:1-5) ensuring we act on our intentions and keep our commitments

  • Freely (9:6-7) without compulsion or reluctance but cheerfully

  • Confidently (9:8-11) knowing that God will always supply our genuine needs

  • Encouragingly (9:12-17) so that others praise God for what He does through us

HOW MUCH WE GIVE will inevitably vary and we are immensely grateful to God for each giver and gift. In Old Testament times, God’s people were required to give 10% of their income to the temple, and would make charitable and free-will offerings in addition. Most Christians around the world (however poor) have taken the 10% rule as a guide, as it would be odd if our response to God’s love was actually weaker than God’s people who lived before Christ!

The New Testament does not impose a percentage in the same way now. Instead it emphasises that we are to steward all that we are and have as living sacrifices of worship in response to God’s grace to us in Christ. The amount of our giving is therefore a matter of conscience, and is part of that worship. 

THE ENTIRE MINISTRY OF GRACE CHURCH is reliant on the giving of our church members. We will never embarrass our guests by taking up an offering during the service because we do not want anyone to think we are inviting them to church for their money. Neither do we want to fund our activities by raising money from our neighbours (through fetes, sponsorship etc). Instead we want every Christian to prayerfully and deliberately consider before God what they should give, and then to engage with planning how that money is used.


1.  PRAY – ask God for wisdom on how best to support His church with the time, talents, money and personality He has given us.

2. THINK – review your finances and consider how to put into practice the Biblical principles outlined above.

3. ACT – decide on an amount and make your gift. We encourage everybody to get involved at whatever level they can because giving is part of our worship.